Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Why the Million Mile Aisle?

Lance and and I were brainstorming relationship stats for a save-the-date idea I'd seen, and one  thing we thought of was, "How many miles have we traveled together or to see one another?"  Now, Lance and I have been together for over 10 years (7 long distance!), and we love to travel.  To come up with this figure, we would have to add many, many short trips in high school, longer road trips and flights between Illinois and New York during my undergrad, several drives between Ithaca, NY and State College, PA during Lance's first year of law school, trips from several of my field sites, vacations to Cedar Point, Las Vegas, New York City, and Atlanta, plus all of the travel to other people's weddings.  Rather than tackle all of that, we settled on: "About a million!"  All of that distance led up to this point where we are finally situated to get married.  Add a penchant for making things rhyme, and the Million Mile Aisle was born.

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